Tuesday, February 10, 2009

this is why you're fat

A fantastic find on the internet. This site is so 'Merican I can feel myself gaining weight just visiting it. I think this is my first time linking to just another random food site without it being some sort of restaurant or other food critic-esque blog, but one visit to This Is Why You're Fat.com and you'll understand why. Here's a few of my favorites from the front page...


Giant Breakfast Burrito
A seven pound breakfast burrito stuffed with potatoes, eggs, onions, and ham bits, lots of cheese on top and smothered in red chile.
Unbelievable. Honestly, these are just the beginning. It promises to be a sickeningly nauseous ride through artery-clogging and coma-inducing piles of gluttony of which the likes I hope I never see. Or maybe I do. It's really a mental struggle to try and deal with the obvious disgustingly over the top obese experience with what I'm sure would prove to be a tastebud explosion. It's a toss up. Either way, carnivore, vegetarian, food lover, any random person- I suggest you visit the site and just see what actually exists. Mind = blown.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I hate to admit that I would gladly eat most of the concoctions exhibited here. mmmmmmmm. and that is why I'm fat.