Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Meet Basil

This is Ashton and I's first pet in California, albeit a stationary one. Meet Basil, the basil plant. Don't be fooled by his name, it's actually pronounced "bahhh-zil", like the friendly English butler, or the sound a sheep makes followed by the first half of zilch.

So far he has proven to be quite delicious and we have added him to a number of our experiments with food. He's actually part of the tomato/toast bite you see above. I think he will have a female friend soon by the name of Rosemary. I know it's a bold step for them to move into the same windowbox together so soon, but when you're in love, you're in love, right? I think it will be a blessed union.


Sarah said...

Why has a sunday passed and there has not been an update? eeegad beth. it must have been so delicious that you felt guilty that the rest of us didn't get to try it. loveeee.

Unknown said...

i don't think you're supposed to put anything else in the same window box. basil grows really fast... or maybe i'm thinking of mint... anyway, i would check before planting anything in the same box